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 10 ways to  Keep your  NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS:
     88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail to keep them. What is worse is 56% of them actually thought they were sure to keep them. This fact brings into full glare two things:
        1. Change is the only way to growth
        2.  If we don’t master the techniques of change ; we may never realize it.
      Your life can change forever this new year with the new year resolutions  you will set and you need not worry about not keeping them because the master key to making and keeping new year resolutions  is about to be handed to  you.
1.  Right Resolutions: keeping new year resolutions starts with one thing; making the right resolutions. They must be resolutions you choose for yourself rather than resolutions someone else wants for you or that you want to achieve  to please someone in your life or prove a point. Your resolutions must be what you want for yourself. Like Oprah Winfrey once said:  “ cheers to a new  year and another chance for us to get it right”   but we can never get  it right if we don’t make it  right. Ask yourself, what do you want in your career, finance,  relationships,  health or fitness?
2.   Write them down
3. Be Specific and have a Time Frame:  Don’t just say “ I want to lose weight ,  get a new job, break my bad habits, become a millionaire and find true love.” You have to be specific.  What kind of job do you want? What bad habits do you want to break? Be specific and have a time frame.  Your new year resolutions must be specific, measurable, time based and achievable.
4. Be Realistic :  Don’t bite off than you can chew. Make realistic resolutions. Don’t just say: “this year; I want to stop smoking, make 10 million naira (even without a biz idea or a job), buy a Range Rover Sport and find true love and lose 30 pounds.”  It’s not that you shouldn’t loose 30 pounds of weight. If your body mass index is over 25, you are overweight, but loosing 30 pounds before June may not just happen, ask those who tried it last year.
       Your New Year resolutions have to be achievable and realistic, they are not meant to be some lofty dream s of your childhood. This is not the Ben 10 series, it’s real life. Please be real!
 5.   Character :   is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.  Do you have the discipline to see your resolutions through after the merriment of the “ Happy New Year Jingle” is over?
         According to Time Magazine, “ 60% of gym memberships go unused and attendance is usually back to normal by mid- February” .
   Your new year resolutions will not just become a reality because you made them or promised yourself you were going to start doing this or stop doing that and that.
    It will stretch you, make you sweat and give you stress, but if you endure till the end, you will be more than glad you went through it all; just like gold. Keeping your resolutions will require some discipline.
6.  Tell Others:  Telling others about your resolutions raises your commitment level. Telling others makes you really want to keep your resolutions   because  you know “ big brother is watching you” and moreover, you don’t want your ego stained or the jest or banter of your friends by December. It has been discovered that those who get the support of their friends and family do better with New Year Resolutions. You know see a reason why you want to tell someone about it.
7.Make it Again:  The fact that, you broke your resolutions towards the end of January doesn’t mean you cannot continue with it. If you broke it, gum it, cello tape it and move on.
        It takes 66 days to get to a point where you don’t have to  keep reminding yourself about adopting a new habit. Remember, the finishing  time/line  is December. The fact that you fell and stumbled in May doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue with your race.
      Most people who chose to lose weight and opted for dieting usually get tired of following such a strict regimen and go back to eating much than what they ate before. Should you happen to be one, please don’t beat yourself up, you are just reacting to change. Don’t forget, the finish line is December. So Move On!
8.  Constant Reviewing: Go through your resolutions constantly at least once a week. Keep reminding yourself  of the promise you made to you to change your life forever. A constant reviewing of your resolutions every week furnishes you with unspeakable strength for accomplishment. Try it and you will see it works like magic.
9.  Reward:  Promise yourself a reward for keeping your New Year Resolutions   and keep your promise because you deserve it. Celebrate you victory in any way you can. Throw yourself a one man party if you can.  You may invite others, but don’t forget it’s all about you. Enjoy! Have fun!
10.   New Life Resolutions: There is no difference between January 1 and May 29, they are all dates.  The only difference is the importance you attach to it.  New year resolutions are New life resolutions, they are meant to bring  about a change in your life and you have 365 days to choose from, so don’t be seduced into believing if January 1 is gone, a great opportunity at change has escaped. You have 365 days to make a new life resolution. What an opportunity!
    “ those who gave thee a body, furnished it with weakness; but he who gave thee soul; armed thee with resolution. Employ it, and thou art wise….. “Akhenaton
    Oh! Less I forget, Happy New year!
                            Alexander A. Afolalu

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